English Language Development
Here at Boulder High School, equity serves as the foundation for all we do. All students bring a wealth of linguistic and cultural experiences that contribute to and support their learning at Boulder High School. All educators are teachers of language and impact the experience and success of emerging bilingual students.
Boulder High has one of the district’s largest English Language Development programs, serving students from 30 countries. We believe all students, educators, and families benefit from being part of a diverse learning community and that partnerships and trust between educators and families are critical to student success.
English Language Development Standards are aligned with Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies standards to follow a continuum of language acquisition from Beginning to Advanced levels. All language domains—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—are developed through learning strategies specific for Emerging Bilingual (EB) students. Course placement recommendations are made considering a portfolio of indicators that focus on language acquisition performance in all four domains in order to support improved performance in all classes.
It is important that all emerging bilingual students feel supported and get the assistance they need. For more information on this, please see the Boulder High Newcomer Pathway program and the BVSD Language Support Website.
Questions About English Language Development (ELD)
English Language Development Courses
The Academic Planning Guide (APG) and the course selection videos on the BHS Academic Planning Website are great resources to use when selecting your courses. This list of courses provides the most up to date course offering information about the course number, course description, requirements, credits, and if the course is NCAA eligible. The Curriculum Essentials Document also provides good information.