Physical Education
Physical Education is much more than participating in physical activity. It is about learning how to be involved in ways that benefit you most. It is about exploring different opportunities, whether that be team sports, individual sports, or fitness-based activities. It’s about learning the physiology of the body and the impact on the brain and making good choices that lead to a long and healthy life.
The goal of Boulder High Physical Education is to give students the knowledge, skills, and experience that act as a springboard toward maintaining a lifetime of physical activity. We encourage students to explore courses that provide new opportunities, and to develop their personal fitness in one or more classes. Our hope is that students embrace the balance of a strong body and mind and its positive impact on their lives.
Our Mission:
The Physical Education department at Boulder High School strives to provide learning, skills, and experience which will support students in adopting a lifestyle supporting their own wellness. We recognize the importance for high school aged people to begin identifying what sort of activities work best for them, while also developing ownership over their own mind, body, and soul. We will provide opportunities for this exploration, while holding high expectations of them through their journey of becoming fully fit. Our ultimate goal is that students leave our classes with the knowledge and confidence to lead a healthy lifestyle now and into the future.
The experience of your child in Physical Education, at Boulder High School, is most likely quite different from what your own high school experience was like. Our entire curriculum is now built around a WELLNESS model; an effort to take care of the body, mind, and soul.
Physical Education Courses
The Academic Planning Guide (APG) and the course selection videos on the BHS Academic Planning Website are great resources to use when selecting your courses. This list of courses provides the most up to date course offering information about the course number, course description, requirements, credits, and if the course is NCAA eligible. The Curriculum Essentials Document also provides good information.