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AP Focus Program

The Boulder High School AP Logo.

Boulder High School has been designated by the Boulder Valley School District Board of Education as an Advanced Placement (AP) focus school. The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a cooperative educational endeavor between secondary schools and the colleges and universities.

As an Advanced Placement (AP) Focus School, Boulder High offers one of the most comprehensive programs in the state, with nearly 30 AP courses across multiple disciplines and grade levels. The AP program allows students the freedom to follow their passion, in whatever discipline(s) they choose. There are no specific set courses that must be taken for AP recognition at graduation. 

Boulder High AP Achievement Recognition Cord & Exam Dates

BHS AP Exam Dates  

BHS AP cord Website

We offer one of the largest Advanced Placement (AP) program in our district as measured by offering around 30 AP courses across a variety of disciplines and multiple grade levels. The AP program allows students the freedom to follow their passion, in whatever discipline(s) they choose. There are no specific set courses that must be taken for AP recognition at graduation. Boulder High students undertake college-level academic learning in the AP courses, and are given the opportunity to show that they have mastered the advanced material by taking AP exams. Students can receive credit, advanced placement, or both from thousands of colleges and universities that participate in the Advanced Placement Program.

The Boulder High School AP Achievement Recognition Cord is a source of pride for many of our graduates and a source of encouragement for students to commit to a rigorous course of study.  For more information on this, please view the BHS AP Achievement Recognition Cord Website.


Important AP Information

September 30-October 4, 2024: Link to *LATE* Fall 2024 AP Exam Payment Instructions

LATE Fall 2024 AP Exam Payment Ends October 4, 2024

Late exam payment for Fall AP (Advanced Placement) classes is from September 28 – October 4, 2024. The late fee is $40, plus the $99 exam fee for a total of $139. See below for instructions.

**Not sure if you paid already? To confirm payment, log in to RevTrak and go to My Account>My Settings>Order History.** 

If your student is taking one of the following classes THIS FALL, they need to register and pay now if they want to take an AP (Advanced Placement) exam in May 2025. This includes yearlong and single-semester fall classes.

  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Environmental Science
  • AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
  • AP Physics C:  Mechanics 
  • AP French
  • AP German
  • AP Japanese
  • AP Latin
  • AP Spanish and Language
  • AP Spanish Literature and Culture
  • AP African American Studies
  • AP Art History
  • AP European History
  • AP Human Geography
  • AP Macroeconomics
  • AP Psychology
  • AP US Government & Politics
  • AP US History
  • AP World History
  • AP Precalculus
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • AP English Language and Composition
  • AP English Literature and Composition
  • AP 2D Art and Design
  • AP 3D Art and Design
  • AP Drawing Art and Design
  • AP Computer Science A
  • AP Computer Science Principles

There are two important steps to register and pay to take an AP exam in May:

  1. To register, join your teacher’s class on the College Board. Your AP  teacher will give you a “join code” to register. Once you have registered, you will have access to AP Central for assignments from your teacher as well as practices for the AP exam. See your teacher for questions about this step.

  2. Pay on RevTrak: Late AP exam payment is September 28–October 4, 2024. Link to BOH *LATE* 2024 Fall Semester AP Exams on Revtrak. Select the exam and type the student’s name to pay, then select “Add to Cart.” If you are paying for multiple exams, repeat and add each exam to your cart. When your order is complete, select “Checkout” and pay. (Starting September 9, you can also reach the RevTrak payment page by going to > School Life > Fees & Payments > Additional Payments/Revtrak > Additional Opportunities > BOH *LATE* 2024 Fall Semester AP Exams.) You do not need to print or submit your receipt. 


Exam Waivers

The waiver deadline was September 27, 2024. For students who have qualified for waived fees, please see Theresa van Zante (  in Counseling. Do not pay online. 


If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Erika James-Bouwmeester at

Link to the BHS AP Focus Program webpage to view the AP exam schedule for May 2025 or for more information on the BHS AP Focus Program.

Link to the BHS AP Focus Program webpage to view the AP exam schedule for May 2025 or for more information on the BHS AP Focus Program.

El plazo de pago tardía va desde el 28 de septiembre hasta el 4 de octubre de 2024. Los derechos por pago tardía son de $40, más los $99 del examen, es decir, $139.

*¿No están seguros si ya pagaron? Pueden conectarse a RevTrak e ir a: Mi cuenta>Mi configuración>Historial de pedidos para confirmar el pago.*

Si su estudiante está tomando alguna de las siguientes clases ESTE OTOÑO, necesitan inscribirse y pagar ahora si van a hacer el examen de AP en Mayo del  2025.

  • AP Química
  • AP Ciencias  Medioambientales
  • AP Física C: Electricidad & Magnetismo
  • AP Física C:  Mecanica 
  • AP Francés
  • AP Alemán
  • AP Japonés
  • AP Latín
  • AP Español and Lenguaje
  • AP Español  Literatura y Cultura
  • AP  Historia del Arte 
  • AP Historia Europea
  • AP Geografía Humana 
  • AP Macroeconomía
  • AP Estudios Afro-anericanos 
  • AP Psicologí
  • AP  Gobierno de EE .UU y  Política
  • AP US Historia
  • AP Historia Universal
  • AP Cálculo AB
  • AP Cálculo BC
  • AP Precálculo
  • AP Estadística
  • AP Lengua Inglesa y composición
  • AP  Literatura Inglesa y Composición
  • AP 2D Arte y Diseño 
  • AP 3D Arte y Diseño
  • AP Bellas artes Dibujo y Diseño
  • AP Informática A
  • AP  Principios de Informática

Hay dos pasos importantes para tener en cuenta:

  1. Inscríbanse a la materia de su profesor en el Consejo de Instituciones de Educación Superior sin importar si van a presentar o no el examen de AP. Su profesor de AP les dará un “join code” (código para unirse) para que puedan inscribirse. Una vez inscritos, tendrán acceso a la AP Central para acceder a las tareas que deje su profesor, así como a prácticas para el examen de AP. Consulten a su profesor si tienen preguntas sobre este paso.

  2. Pago en RevTrak: El plazo de pago tardía va desde el 28 de septiembre hasta el 4 de octubre de 2024. Hagan clic aquí BOH *LATE* 2024 Fall Semester AP Exams de RevTrak. Seleccionen el examen y tipo, el nombre del estudiante que se inscribirá, luego seleccionen “Añadir al carrito”. Si se inscriben y pagan varios exámenes, repitan el proceso y añadan cada examen a su carrito. Cuando su orden esté completa, seleccionen “Checkout” (registro de salida) y paguen. (También podrán visitar la página de pagos de RevTrak yendo a > School Life > Fees & Payments > Additional Payments/RevTrak > Additional Opportunities > BOH *LATE* 2024 Fall Semester AP Exams.) No es necesario imprimir ni presentar su recibo. Los derechos por inscripción tardía son de $40, más los $99 del examen, es decir, $139.¡LOS ESTUDIANTES DEBERÁN SEGUIR LOS DOS PASOS O NO SE DARÁ CURSO A LA ORDEN DE EXAMEN!

Para los estudiantes que hayan cumplido con los requisitos para obtener el Almuerzo gratuito y con reducción de precio, visiten a Theresa van Zante ( en la Oficina de los Consejeros para recibir una exención. No paguen en línea. 


Si tienen cualquier duda, comuníquese con Erika James-Bouwmeester:

Enlace a la página Web del Programa BHS AP Focus para conocer el calendario de exámenes de AP para mayo de 2025 o para más información sobre el Programa de enfoque de BHS.


AP Courses/Exams Offered at Boulder High

Advanced Placement: Frequently Asked Questions

Erika James

Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-3438

Meet our AP Test Coordinator

If you have any questions or issues, please contact our AP Test Coordinators, Dr. Erika James-Bouwmeester and Tomeria Baxter. For specific questions about a particular AP Course, it is also a good idea to talk with the teacher of that course.