AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination
AVID is a college preparatory program that focuses on students who are academically proficient, yet need support in reaching and succeeding in advanced academic courses. AVID bridges student gaps in the skills, language, habits, and resources of the college-bound student. Additionally, students in AVID receive academic and motivational support. Other aspects of the program include field trips to places of educational and cultural interest and tutoring by college students.
Boulder High School began offering AVID to students in 2005. There are currently six sections of AVID 9-12 with 120 students.
Congratulations to BHS AVID 2020 Graduates!
Goal & Mission of AVID
The goal of AVID is to prepare all students for college readiness and success in a global society by ensuring that EACH student in the program will:
- Learn how to succeed in at least one challenging class (Advanced, AP)
- Complete a rigorous college preparatory path
- Apply to and enroll in a four-year college
- Become responsible for their own learning and education
- Become a better, well-rounded student
The student must possess a strong desire to succeed and to learn research-based college preparatory study strategies. Every AVID student signs an AVID contract each year, thereby committing to maintaining their grades and staying in the program. Parents are encouraged to have an active role in the student's development through AVID. AVID students should
- Be willing to be pushed to be a better student and improve their grades
- Be willing to learn the AVID fundamentals and apply them to each class
Course Description
AVID meets four days a week. Students receive two hours of instruction per week in college-entry skills, 90 minutes per week in tutor-led study groups, and one hour per week in motivational activities and academic survival skills. In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading (WICOR) to support their academic growth.
The AVID Student
AVID targets students in the academic middle—B, C, and even D students—who have the desire to go to college and are not working to their greatest potential. Most importantly, AVID targets students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum but are falling short of their potential. AVID pulls these students out of their unchallenging courses and supports them on the college track: acceleration instead of remediation.
The Results
State-funded, independent research, as well as AVID's own data, validate that the AVID college-readiness system works. AVID students are more likely to take AP classes, complete their college eligibility requirements, and get into four-year colleges than students who don't take AVID. Last year all AVID 12 students who participated in AVID for at least three years were accepted into college, with more than 90% getting into four-year universities. AVID also helps ensure students, once accepted to college, possess the higher-level skills they need for college success.
Meet our AVID Coordinator
Jill Campbell
Faculty Information
Boulder High
Boulder High Dept
Job Title
Teacher, TOSA
Contact Information
School Email
School Phone