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BAFP: Boulder Arts Focused Pathways

A group of students painting a car.

Boulder High School is proud to offer the Boulder Arts Focus Pathway (BAFP). This is an exciting program for students who have a passion for the visual and performing arts to earn an endorsement on their diploma for completing courses in the arts, mentoring with local artists, and making art an integral part of their lives. Colleges, universities, and employers will recognize the creative problem solving, innovative ideas, and collaboration of this select group of emerging student visual and performing artists.

Boulder Arts Focused Pathways (BAFP) - Official Website

Boulder Arts Focus Program - Course List

Requirements for Boulder Arts Focus Pathway (BAFP)

Credit Requirements

Students are required to take at least 20 credits in either visual art, choir, band, orchestra, or theater and maintain a 3.0 GPA in their BAFP focus area.  Depending upon the number of credits taken will determine what level of diploma is received at graduation.  More details can be found under the "BAFP Endorsement" section below.

Outside of School Opportunities

Students will take part in visual and performing arts opportunities outside of the school day embedding the arts in their everyday lives by completing a minimum number of hours attending arts events, taking lessons, participating in performances or apprenticing in the arts community with a professional organization or individual artist.

Each BAFP student will meet a minimum number of hours; which are as follows:

  • Freshman = 5+ out of school hours per semester
  • Sophomore = 10+ out of school hours per semester
  • Junior = 15+ out of school hours per semester
  • Senior = 20+ out of school hours per semester

*We encourage upperclassmen to mentor with an artist/arts organization in the community in a career they are interested in. BAFP will match students with an opportunity. Parents will be required to meet with the volunteer, approve the mentorship and supervise the “apprenticeship.” A teacher and the BAFP coordinator will assist in this opportunity.


Boulder Arts Focus Endorsement on Diploma

Students graduate with a Boulder Arts Focus endorsement on their diploma at several levels which depend on the number of credits taken.  Note that students have approximately 70 elective credits available during their 4 years at Boulder HS.

  • Arts Novice Focus = 20-30 credits
  • Arts Apprentice Focus = 35-50 credits
  • Arts Master Focus = 55+ credits
  • Renaissance Focus = crossover courses in three or more distinct areas (Art, Music, Theater)

Graduation Fee

Graduation Fee: $20 (RevTrak Link
Payment Deadline: April 15th

Students graduating with an Art Focus Endorsement will receive an honor cord, pin, and stickers at graduation.

Meet our BAFP Advisors

Beau Bryson

Beau Bryson

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-2227
Mary Rose Donahue

Mary Rose Donahue

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-3523
Kelly Kotlinski

Kelly Kotlinski

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-4350
Claudia Lastella

Claudia Lastella

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-5466
Nick Salazar

Nick Salazar

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-2326
Marlee Smith

Marlee Smith

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-2332
Kate Villarreal

Kate Villarreal

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-2316
Merry Wilson

Merry Wilson

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-2216
Ryan Woodworth

Ryan Woodworth

Job Title: Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 720-561-2212