Grad Plus
Boulder Valley School District’s Grad Plus program was built on the idea that every student should graduate from high school in BVSD with more than a diploma. A traditional diploma signifies a student has achieved the basic requirements of course completion and state performance measures in math and language arts. Grad Plus aims to expand graduate’s skill sets by providing every student with learning opportunities and credentials that offer a head start on a career, postsecondary education, or both. As the Grad Plus program implementation begins this fall, the goal is that every student, beginning in Pre-K through graduation, begins learning about work, are exposed to career pathways, participate in work-based learning, earn certifications and more.
5 Things You Need To Know About Grad Plus
CU Succeed
The CU Succeed Program collaborates with high schools all over Colorado to give students the opportunity to gain exposure to actual college courses. Students enroll in University of Colorado, Denver courses, that are located at their high school and taught by qualified lecturers at a reduced tuition rate.
Grad Plus Featured Student
An interview with Osvaldo Garcia Barron, the GradPlus featured student for April 2023.
Meet our Grad Plus Site Leader
If you have any questions or issues, please contact our Grad Plus Site Leader, Wendy Pearson.