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Student Support Services

Our motto, “A Place for Everyone,” resonates deep within our community as we continue to foster a learning environment that is based on high expectations, while ensuring that we meet the needs of all students.​

BHS Student Handbook: Student Support-Student Success Center

Student Success Center (SSC)

Boulder High School’s Student Success Center is a place where all students can go to receive educational support from teachers, tutors and peers.  A strong emphasis will be on teaching students the executive functioning skills needed to be successful at BHS.

BHS Student Handbook: Student Support-OZone

Opportunity Zone (O-ZONE)

The O-Zone​ is a multipurpose classroom open to students as a study hall or for online class support. The O-Zone provides the following supports periods 1, 2, 3, and 5 in room 1116. For more information, please contact Leslie Sena at 

O-Zone Uses

  • Study hall for students needing space, structure, and support to complete their schoolwork
  • Online class support for Boulder Universal classes, BVSD Online classes, and FuelEd (credit recovery) classes
  • Tutor Match Program for connecting O-Zone students with tutors through
BHS Student Handbook: Student Support-Engagement Center

Engagement Center

This center provides support for students who would benefit from mentoring and intervention in a structured environment. Students are assigned by period based on need.

Additional Support

Boulder High School Counseling Office

For additional help and support, please visit the Counseling Website, contact your assigned Counselor or stop by the Counseling Office.

We also have a school social worker and a school psychologist who provide confidential services for students, families, and staff.

BHS Student Handbook: Counseling-Mental Health

Mental Health Advocates

Boulder High School works in partnership with our Mental Health Advocates to provide intervention and prevention services at school. For more information, please vcontact one of our school-based interventionists:

BHS Student Handbook: Student Support-SST

Student Support Team (SST)

The SST is an interdisciplinary team that works with parents/guardians to support students who are struggling for a variety of reasons: academic, behavioral, medical and/or psychological. The team develops an intervention support plan and monitors the progress of the student.


Student Support Programs








Gifted &

I Have
a Dream

