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Club Application

​Application Forms for New Clubs

Don't see a club you're looking for? 

Students who wish to start a school club or student organization must print out and completed the application form below. Once approved, the staff sponsor will be notified and the students can begin meeting. If you need assistance finding a staff member to be your club's sponsor, please contact Ryan Bishop at

*Note: For clubs needing funding, please also fill out the funding request form below.

BHS Athletics & Activities Director

Ryan Bishop

Assistant Principal and Athletic Director
Boulder High Dept

BHS Club Coordinator

Jenni Bernstein

Athletic Director Assistant
Boulder High Dept

Club Categories

​Boulder High School follows the District Student Organization Policy (Policy IGDA & IGDA-R).  

There are three categories of clubs/organizations in BVSD.

Category 1: School-Sponsored Activity

  • These clubs/organizations are established at the discretion of BVSD.  You must contact the Superintendent's office to start a club in this category.

Category 2: School-Sponsored Academic Organization

  • An application must be submitted to the Superintendent for approval.  To do this, a faculty sponsor (a teacher of a subject closely related to the club) must be found and an application (see below) needs to be filled out.  This is submitted & reviewed by the Assistant Principal (AP) who in turn forwards it to the Superintendent's office for review.  This process only needs to be done once.

Category 3: Student-Initiated and Led Organization

  • Each school year, the student organization needs to find a faculty sponsor and complete an application (see below).  The application is submitted to the Assistant Principal (AP) for review and approval.