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Researching Colleges

When starting the college search process, be sure to discuss your plans and information needs with your counselor and parents. Explore and utilize the tools embedded in the Naviance system, which are available to all Boulder High students. In addition to online tools, there are excellent guidebooks and college directories, many available to you in the Counseling Office.

2024-2025 BVSD Out-of-state College FaiR

Out-of-State College Fair, Monarch High School, Wednesday, September 25, 5:30-7:30 pm.

  • This in-person event will be held at Monarch High School.

Meet with College Reps

Each year, Boulder High hosts more than 200 college admissions representatives to provide an opportunity for juniors and seniors to learn more about prospective colleges. See the College Rep Visits Calendar below for the schedule. You can also use the Calendar Search function below, or search in Naviance, to see when a specific college you are interested in is visiting.

College Search Tools

College Planning

There is not just one college that is perfect for you; indeed, there are many colleges that can offer exactly what you want. The trick is to think about what you want out of the college experience and then look for schools that fit your needs and goals.

Learn More

Calendar: College Rep Visits for Boulder HS