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Health Room Check-In

If you need to visit the health room, please check-in here using the link below.

Check-In Here

BHS Student Handbook: Health Room

Health Room

Boulder High School has a full-time nurse and health room para assisting with the health needs of our students. The clinic is intended for the use of students with serious or unexpected illnesses or injuries. If a student feels ill or is injured their first step is to check in with the school nursing staff. Students must sign in and if staff are able to assist they will do so. Depending on the circumstance a student may return to class after rest or may be sent home. If a student becomes ill and needs to leave school, they must check out with the school nurse or the attendance office first. 

School personnel are not allowed to dispense medication without completion of the required BVSD form. In order for a student to carry medications with them during the school hours while on school property the student must obtain a form from the school nurse and return it with the required signatures.

In the event of a medical emergency the school nurse will follow any parental instructions for your child. In the event that a parent cannot be reached, the emergency response members will make choices regarding the health of your child.

For additional information regarding health room policies, please contact our health room staff and/or school nurse.  The BVSD Health Services Website and BVSD Policy JLC, JLCC, JLCD, and JLCE, also have information about immunizations, medications, health forms and other district health policies.

Boulder High Health Condition Resources

BHS Physical Health Website



​Role of the School Nurse Consultant

School Nurse Consultants (SNC) are Registered Nurses with a Colorado Department of Education Certification. The goal of the SNC is to work closely with parents, health care providers, school staff and others to coordinate the health care of the student and to provide health services as needed by training and delegating to unlicensed personnel working with students identified as having complex medical needs.

School Nurses are also an integral part of the Special Education Team and are responsible for a portion of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) that pertains to the students' health.  The School Nurse attends school team meetings and IEP meetings of students with complex health issues to insure the implementation of necessary accommodations for students. This includes the responsibility for students needing individual health care plans (HCPs) and 504 plans written in accordance with Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act for a medical reason.   

Role of the Health Room Staff

All schools have a person who carries out the health room duties for limited hours during the school day. Health Room staff are not medical professionals.  School Nurse Consultants provide general training and develop safety plans involving first aid training, medication administration, and other skills as needed, to assist in the care of students who come to the classroom teacher or office staff with a health need.

Meet our Health Room Staff

Denise Cervantes Arellano

Hmong Nguyen

School Nurse Consultant (SNC)

Health Resources

Visit the BHS Physical Health Website for information on student health condition including concussions, asthma, allergies, etc.