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Admin/Counselor Assignments

Admin-Counselor Student Assignments

Each Counselor is teamed with an Administrator to represent and support the student body and their families based on the student's last name.

BHS Counselor/Administrator Assignments

The student's last name is used to determine which Counselor and Administrator are set to support them. 

  • A-Cor     - Berman (Counselor); Sirio (Administrator)
  • Cos-Go  - D. Bloom (Counselor); Sirio (Administrator)
  • Gp-Lao  - Green Grabau (Counselor); Lietzau (Administrator)
  • Lap-Nj    - Mowen (Counselor); Lietzau (Administrator)
  • Nk-Sen   - A. Bloom (Counselor); Hobbs (Administrator)
  • Seo-Z     - Malkinson (Counselor); Hobbs (Administrator)


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Boulder High School Administration Support

Assistant Principals

Nathan Hobbs

Nathan Hobbs

Job Title: Assistant Principal NK-Z
Jennifer Lietzau

Jennifer Lietzau

Job Title: Assistant Principal Gp-Nj
Stephanie Sirio

Stephanie Sirio

Job Title: Assistant Principal A-Go

Boulder High School Counseling Support

Joanna Berman

Counselor, Athletics-Activities-Events, Teacher, Counselor

Samantha Grabau

Counselor, Athletics-Activities-Events, Assistant Coach-Softball, Teacher, Counselor

Andrew Bloom

Counselor Nk-Sen

Matt Mowen

Counselor Lap-Nj

Daniel Bloom

Counselor, Teacher, Counselor

Julie Malkinson

Counselor, Athletics-Activities-Events, Teacher, Counselor